Tender for Rate Contract for printing and supply of Multi-color printed self-adhesive labels (on gumming sheet) Label Material- bid document
Corrigendum for “Supply Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Laundry services” at Satellite Institute of AIIA, Goa Corrigendum
Tender For Trans disciplinary Clinical Research Protocol For Prameha (Dmt2) Tender For Trans disciplinary Clinical Research Protocol For Prameha (Dmt2) (1)
Corrigendum for Supply , Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Laundry Machine at AIIA, Goa Corrigendum
Tender for Procurement of Metallic Cages and Trolley for AIIA, Delhi Tender for Procurement of Metallic Cages and Trolley for AIIA, Delhi
Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Laundry Machines at AIIA, Goa Tender Laundry Services
Tender Cancellation Notice for setting up Multi Cam Studio Multi Cam Studio- Cancellation corrigendum