The all-time great science Ayurveda is purely predicated on its own principles which are the outcome of prolong and repeated experimental studies by several Acharayas and the genuine implementation of these principles is the key of success for an Ayurveda physician. Therefore, a complete and in-depth knowledge of these principles is the most essential part of Ayurveda education system and focusing on this purpose, the department of Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhant has been introduced, which is an indispensable and elementary component of Ayurveda academia.
Since its inception, the department of Samhita and Siddhant is constantly striving to develop the fundamental concepts and principles of Ayurveda in an age-appropriate context. The basic components of Ayurveda are Tridosha, Sapta Dhatau, Trimala, Panchmahabhuta which need to be understood along with their applied aspects. Hence the department primarily concentrates on the study of these fundamental theories through the light of classical literature viz. Charak Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Astanga Hridaya. The department is not only involved in the teaching and learning procedure of only Classical Ayurvedic literature but also imparts the knowledge of Darshan sastra (Indian Philosophy), history of Ayurveda and coordinates the teaching of Ayurveda texts in Sanskrit language so that the scholars could be able to relish their genuine meanings and interpretation both theoretically and clinically. The department also deals with guiding the treatment principles of various diseases exactly on line of Chikitsa Sutra explained in Samhitas. To this end, Ayurvedic principles with a scientific basis inspire students to apply equally in theoretical and clinical practice. The department is also involved in fundamental and clinical research through exploration and scientific validation of basic concepts of Ayurveda and also imbibing and dispersing traditional knowledge to satisfy the needs of the upcoming scientific community. Along with inculcating the expertise in theoretical and clinical aspects, the students are also trained in refining their interactive and communication skills with confidence and fluency. According to its originality, this department is committed to make Ayurveda Vachaspati (PG) and Ayurveda Vidyavaridhi (PhD) students more sensitive and aware about the subject.
To establish its excellence in establishment of fundamental concepts explained in the Samhitas, and relevant literatures to conduct outstanding research works in various fields.
Empowering the students with the basic tools for approaching the science of Ayurveda in a structured manner, which shall enable them in understanding the contents Ayurveda literatures and enable them to adopt it in their clinical practice to serve the society.