Prof. Tanuja Nesari.
M.D., Ph. D (Ayu.)
Professor Dr. Tanuja Nesari has completed her M.D. and Ph.D. in Ayurvedic Pharmacology (Dravyaguna vidnyan) from Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar.
Currently, she is working as Director as well as head Division of Translational Research &Biostatic at All India Institute of Ayurveda, GOI, New Delhi. She is also a Chair for Health Sector sub-skill Council for AYUSH under MOA, GOI. She has worked as CEO, National Medicinal Plant board, Ministry of AYUSH, GOI. Additional Director (Academics) & Medical Superintendent at Ch.Brahm Prakash Ayu. Charak Sansthan, under Govt. of NCT Delhi, prior to which she was working as Principal & Medical Superintendent of Tilak Ayurvedic College Pune on a regular post. She has worked as a Chairman of Managing Committee & Governing Council Member, as well as Consulting Physician at Mental health (Manasa roga) & Internal medicine (Kayachikitsa) Department at Tarachand hospital & also as a Member of Research & Recognition committee at Pune University & Board of Research at Health University, Nashik. Currently she is a member of Governing Council of IMS, BHU. She is a member of General Assembly of ICCR, Member of Board of Governors, CCIM and Convenor of Working Group-3 “Clinical Practice” on formulation of Integrative Health System. She is also a member on the academic board of various universities like IPGT&R Jamnagar &National Academic and research Bodies & involved in academic administration curriculum, syllabi development & policy making for effective education in Ayurveda. She is Board Member of International Advisory Board of Jiwaji University, Gwalior. She is member of Scientific Advisory Board of CCRAS & member (Domain expert) of Technical Screening Committee (TSC) of NMPB. She is member of the National Level Malnutrition Free Nation Advisory Committee of Gowardhan Ayurfarma Pvt Ltd. She is an adjunct faculty in the School of Sanskrit and Indian Studies (SSIS), JNU, New Delhi. She is also a member on the Scientific Panels in the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
She is a University approved Ayurveda professor with 29 years of experience of Teaching in Dravyaguna & Rsasashastra &Research in Quality, Safety & efficacy of Medicinal plants. She is recipient of Best Ayurveda Teacher award of the year 2005. She has guided 33 M.D, 20 Ph.D. & 3 M.Phil. Scholars at post graduate level. In Dravyaguna & Rasashastra (Traditional pharmacology and Pharmaceutics). She has been a resource person in international conferences held in India & abroad. Also, she has visited many countries for conducting CME courses and teaching Ayurved. Dr.Nesari is an acclaimed international speaker on Ayurveda and has organized series of National & International Seminars, Workshops, CME programs & medicinal plants Exhibition on thrust areas of Ayurveda
She has successfully completed 21 clinical research projects as a Principal Investigator. She is a principal investigator on the joint collaborative project of AIIA with UK, college of Medicine UK, Prince Charls Foundation, on assessment of holistic AYURYOGA module in the Patients suffering with fibromyalgia at UK through HCI and MOA, GOI. Her main area of interest is Ayurveda Teaching& Research on validation of neuro-cognitive enhancing properties of various plants. She is interested in interdisciplinary and collaborative research and networking, developing new methodologies of experimental, pharmacological and clinical research suitable for research in Ayurveda.
Dr.Nesari has published 74 original papers & 91 review articles in Index journals & has authored & edited 15 books in English & Regional languages including Marathi. She is an Executive Editor & reviewer of many Index Journals.
Address for communication:
Director, All India institute of Ayurveda (AIIA)
Professor & Head, Dept. of Dravyaguna, AIIA Head, Division Of Translational Research, AIIA Under Ministry of AYUSH, GOI, New Delhi. |
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