The proposal of establishing All India Institute of Ayurveda in Delhi has many driving factors behind it. Emerging global demand towards Ayurveda has given a lot of thrust to have a centre of excellence of Ayurveda that cater not only to R&D and standardization needs of Ayurveda products but also sub-serve the purpose of imparting tertiary health care and interdisciplinary training & research in different disciplines of Ayurveda.
No Central Government Institution in the national capital city and elsewhere in the country provides state-of-the art Ayurvedic treatment facilities where visiting diplomats, delegates and other interested foreign visitors along with common public could be taken to provide them a glimpse or first-hand experience of classical Ayurveda therapies, education and scientific research. AIIA would fill this gap and will be instrumental in attracting foreign patients for Ayurvedic treatment of such chronic health problems, which do not find solutions in other medical systems. The Institute is expected to help boosting medical tourism in India and showcasing strengths of Ayurveda.
The All India Institute of Ayurveda has been conceived as an Apex Institute for Ayurveda. It aims at bringing a synergy between Traditional Wisdom of Ayurveda and Modern tools and technology. The institute would offer postgraduate and doctoral courses in various disciplines of Ayurveda and will focus on fundamental research of Ayurveda, drug development, standardization, quality control, safety evaluation and scientific validation of Ayurvedic medicine. Institute has a 200 bed referral hospital for facilitating clinical research. Once fully established, the Institute will have 25 Specialty Departments and 12 clinics with 8 inter-disciplinary research laboratories wherein several Scholars will have access for PG & Ph.D programs every year. The hospital will be equipped with state of the art modern diagnostic tools and techniques which will be used in teaching, training and research. The patient care will be done primarily through Ayurveda of tertiary level. This institute shall also have an international collaborative centre for global promotion and research in Ayurveda.
“To be an Outstanding Center of Excellence for Ayurveda Tertiary Health Care and set highest standards of Education, Research and Patient Care through Ayurveda for the benefit of humanity”
Our mission is to be a role model by setting up benchmarks for Postgraduate and Post-Doctoral Education in Ayurveda, bringing Ayurveda Health care of highest standards within the reach of every individual at National and International Level and to undertake interdisciplinary research focused on validation of Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda using modern tools and technology.
Be a role model. Inspire others to achieve their best in Ayurveda Education, Research and Health care
Excellence & Innovation
Be the best. Commit to exceptional quality and service by encouraging inquisitiveness, exploring and creating innovative solutions.
Team Work
Placing group success, and honor the dignity of all individuals ahead of personal achievement
Provide unparalleled Holistic health care service through Ayurveda in responsive and healing environment
1. To provide postgraduate/doctoral and post-doctoral teaching, research facilities and quality patient care services under the Ayurveda system of medicine.
2. To act as a referral hospital and a “Centre of Excellence” to set highest standards of education, research, patient care and also function as a model center for international collaboration.
3. To act as a model institution to show the strength, efficacy and popularity of Ayurveda. The institute will be used for promoting Ayurveda in India and abroad.
4. To provide the services in specialties like Panchkarma, Kayachikitsa, Vata-Vyadhi, Rasayna, Kayakalpa, Twacha roga (Skin disorders), Vajikaran, Shalya Tantra, Kshar evam Anushastra Karma (Jalauka and Rakta Mokshan, Agni Karma etc.), Marma Chiktisa, Vrikka roga (Nephrology), Mutra roga (Urology), Shalkya (Eye, ENT and Dental disorders), Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra, Bal Roga, Rog Nidan, Lifestyle and Metabolic disorders, Yoga and Swastha Vritta, Ahara Bidhi Vigyan(Dietetics), Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda and their application in a set up that combines the ancient tradition of Ayurveda along with the Advantages of biomedicine, current management & information technology tools.
5. To impart interdisciplinary post-graduate- doctoral and post-doctoral teaching, training and research in all Ayurvedic specialties and also health and hospital management programmes. It will have all necessary infrastructure to cater to secondary and tertiary level health care facilities for diagnosis and treatment in collaboration with national and international institutions.
6. To give highest priority to explore and explain the scientific basis of various aspects of Ayurveda through collaborative, inter-disciplinary research. In this direction the required infrastructure would be developed with the help of various R&D institutions including Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), National Institute for Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) and other national level institutes. Human resources and infrastructure of participating institutions will be utilized in conducting project-based research programmes on need specific clinical and drug studies.
7. To develop model teaching tools, demonstration modules of teaching in Postgraduate/ Doctoral and Post –doctoral Ayurveda Medical education in all branches so as to demonstrate high standards of education for use in Ayurvedic institutions.
The functions of the institute will be the following:
i) Development of the institute as an apex human resource development center of Ayurveda medicinal knowledge with linkages to the current health care system
ii) Generation of public awareness about the potential of Ayurveda medicine practices in disease, prevention and health promotion.
iii) To develop linkages with other academic and research institutions in different part of India and abroad
iv) To publish journals, research papers, brochures, newsletters and text books and to have a documentation and resource centre and maintenance of libraries with latest information services
v) To conduct intramural and extramural research on all aspects of Ayurveda and interdisciplinary research in medicine and sciences related to Ayurveda
vi) To cooperate with national and international agencies engaged in research, capacity building, documentation, validation, preservation and practice of Ayurveda
vii) To create administrative, technical, ministerial and other posts under the Institute and to make appointments thereto in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Institute.
viii) To issue appeals and apply for money and funds in the furtherance of the objectives of the Institute and to raise or collect funds by gifts, donations, subscriptions, securities and movable or immovable property and grant such rights and privileges to the donors, subscribers and other benefactors as the institute may consider fit.